The very best time to stand up for the world is always now!

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The founding team

The SANUSPLANET Foundation was established in September 2021 with the aim of supporting organizations worldwide that are committed to protecting the oceans, nature, animals and people in need.

The team is made up of Fabian Baikhardt, marine conservationist and animal rights activist Magdalena Gschnitzer, Verena Rieder and Ewald Rieder. We are convinced that together with you we can create a lasting positive change in this world.

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The counter shows how many donations have been collected by SANUSPLANET so far. Some of these donations have been used already to support amazing projects. New organizations are constantly being supported with the money from the donation pool.

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15 Days
For Animals
Fundación Hablemos Por Ellos
Rehabilitation for animals in need

The mission of the Fundación Hablemos Por Ellos (“Let's talk for them Foundation”) is to reunite hearts that have been broken by human apathy. Different species in our world suffer every day for many reasons, often caused by our own species. This makes it very understandable that many animals lose their faith in the good in humans. This organization has made it its mission to give animals a chance to rebuild this trust and perhaps experience love for the very first time in their lives. The Fundación Hablemos Por Ellos rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes especially those of our furry friends who have not had as much luck in their lives as most of the animals on our sofa at home. Many of the animals are given a new and loving home as a result. 

For People
Verein LeFlee
Learning through Touch and Movement

The LefLee association (physical exercise for joie de vivre) creates activities for people who are considered “out of the box” or “system disruptors”. These children and young people, as well as adults, rarely have the opportunity to socialize and exercise. The activities offered by LefLee help people to approach their development, especially their social behavior, with joy and movement. They learn to expand their neural pathways in the brain through co-regulation and thus learn about concentration, self-regulation, calmness and self-efficacy. The training is particularly suitable for people with symptoms of ADD and ADHD, ASD, traumatization and high sensitivity. Rescued animals are also used to support the therapy. This is a tested concept and gives people a sense of achievement “almost like magic” and thus immediate self-esteem building. The connection between people - animals - nature, provides wonderful benefits for healthy coexistence for those affected and for society as a whole.

For Animals
Tierschutz Phönix
Helping Strays and Low-Income Pet Owners

The Tierschutz Phönix association was founded in 2022 by Katharina and Richard Tauschitz, is located in Styria and is specifically committed to helping strays and low-income pet owners. Once a month, the association organizes an animal table and provides pet owners in a difficult financial situation with free food for their pets. Around 80 cats, 10 dogs and 4 stray animal feeders are currently provided by the animal board, which is maintained solely through food and/or monetary donations. For this purpose, food donation boxes have been set up at local stores in the association's home town of Frohnleiten. The association also carries out castration projects to reduce the reproduction of stray kittens. This can greatly reduce animal suffering. The association also looks after 17 foster cats, some of which require medical care. These include some Handicats with physical and mental impairments, such as epilepsy, blindness and asthma. Other sources of income are: Membership fees, donations, sponsorship money and proceeds from events.

For People
Verein fairNetzt e.V.
Fostering Sustainability and Well-Being through Ecological Projects and Holistic Healing

fairNetzt e.V. is an association that promotes community building in intergenerational and „neighborhood-learning“ spaces. It organizes real environmental protection projects such as the Heilbronn Seed Festival and the solidarity agriculture. Another project that the association supports is the edible forest garden. A House of Healing is also currently being prepared, in which the human right to health is to be realized in a new health system. There, interested therapists, human physicians, naturopaths, alternative practitioners and other therapists from the field of integrative and energetic medicine can “fairly” network and exchange ideas. Meeting like-minded people, especially in places where people are seen as a unity of body, mind and soul, offers space for healing. fairNetzt combines organic farming, ecological sustainability and social communities with many topics related to nature and health.

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You have a non-profit organization and would like to see your project in the voting?

Then take a look at the partnership opportunities. Click on the ranking list in the PLANET section on the SANUSAPP and fill out the application form. This will give you the chance to receive donations from the SANUSPLANET Foundation Pool.


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Get to know the exciting sponsorship program on the SANUSAPP.
Invite your community to use SANUSPAY and the SANUSLIFE Marketplace and receive additional sponsorship money.

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"What we love we protect! 
It's time we fell in love with this world again."
"What we love we protect!
       It's time to fall in love with this world again."

Magdalena Gschnitzer
Coordinator of SANUSPLANET

Anyone can change the world - conservationist and animal rights activist Magdalena Gschnitzer explains why this is necessary and what it could look like.



In addition to exciting, dramatic, funny and emotional stories from the founders of organizations, the SANUSPLANET podcast also features interviews with well-known personalities and great activists who are committed to protecting the world.

A podcast that shakes you up!